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Östersunds självklara landmärke under vinterhalvåret är den ca 650 meter långa Gustavsbergsbacken. Illumination var en hyllning till alla som vistades staden under skidskytte VM. Backens illumination kunde ses från stora delar av Östersund av tiotusentals under de två veckor den var tänd. Illuminationen var också en del i uppvisningar i skidakrobatik och eldshower som genomfördes i underbacken.

Östersund, a small town situated in the north of Sweden famous for winter sports. During the winter season the town has an obvious landmark, the 650 m long Gustavsbergsbacken ski slope. I created an illumination to celebrate all visitors to the Winter Festival and World Championship in biathlon which was seen by many tens of thousands of people during the two weeks the ski slope was lit. The illumination also served as a backdrop for ski acrobatics and fire shows.
